Sunday, April 22, 2012

Welcome to my nest!

Hello friends,

Welcome to my blog. As any of you who know me will attest to, I have an incessant, burning desire to "nest" - that is, to create and recreate my home.

I love my apartment. Seriously. From the high ceilings, the hardwood floors, the huge windows spilling light into our space, whats NOT to love? But my partner Isaac and I are the collecting kind of people. Which is a really nice way of saying we have a lot of stuff. Storage and organization is a never-ending battle for us. So much so that a few months back, we began to look for a two bedroom apartment. After several weeks of viewing apartments that can only be described as being woefully sub-par, we decided we were just going to stay put. We *have to* make this 850 sq ft apartment work.

We began purging. It was (and still is) shocking to see just how much stuff we could get rid of and how much more we still have to go. But twenty 50 gallon trash bags worth of discard later, I've found that by having less, the stuff we keep becomes more meaningful.

The process continues, although the focus is more on organizing what we have left while doing so on a budget. We're also slowly shifting away from the mishmash of hand-me-down furniture that defines the twenty-something apartment and toward a cohesive, clean style. This blog is intended to be the diary of that process, along with whatever hopeful inspiration I come across.

Welcome to our home.

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